Title: George Did It
Author: Suzanne Jermain
Genre: NonFiction
This book is about George Washington and the many things he did throughout his lifetime. It talks about his many adventures in the army and as commander in chief. But most importantly it talks about him becoming President of the United States and how he did not want to be President at first!
I like this book because it gives children facts about George Washington but in a fun way! The book is intriguing and exciting to read because of the fun and interesting facts it provides. This book taught me many things about George Washington, most importantly being I did not know he was afraid and did not want to be president at first! When asked to be the president he replied, "No, thank you!" The Joy of Children's Literature states that, "Although historical information can be gained, a book of historical fiction is first and foremost a story." I think this book adheres to that statement. The book is a historical piece, but it is an enjoyable story as well.
This book could be used in the classroom by creating a fun activity where the children read the book in groups and then the teacher creates a game among the groups where the teacher states facts about George Washington and the groups must buzz in, whoever buzz's in first must say true or false. If they say false they must explain why the fact is not correct. This would be a great activity because the children would be learning about George Washington while getting in a little knowledgeable competition!
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